MacGameStore/WinGameStore allows you to view prices in different currencies based off active exchange rates to USD (US Dollar). Simply change your preferred currency choice and all prices listed will be shown estimated.
However keep in mind, the prices are an estimate, and depending on time, order fulfillment, and your funding institution, the rates may vary a bit.
How do I change the estimated currency?
The current list of choices can be found at the bottom of every page in the footer next to "Currency". You may also change it in your Account -> Settings area after signing in. Guest users will have to use the footer chooser, and it will not persist between different devices/browsers.
I don't see the currency I wish to use?
If there is a currency you wish to see added to the list, let us know, and if its a popular choice, we will add it promptly.
How come I was charged more/less than it showed?
All checkout totals are charged in USD (US Dollar). Please note that viewing prices with an ESTIMATED currency, does not guarantee your funding source will be charged in exactly that amount. Delays in charge, bank transfers, and USD exchange rates can change at any moment, affecting the estimated prices shown.
Why is my Game Store Wallet still showing as USD?
The Game Store Wallet uses the same currency that we charge orders with (USD). So the amount is reduced directly from the cart during checkout. No conversions or estimations are needed.
Some prices are breaking the page layout!
If you come across a situation where it appears the page layout is breaking due to an estimated currency price value being too large to show properly, please let us know. Include a screenshot.